Letter to the editor: Letter writer wrong about Christian church


To the editor:

This is in response to the July 5 letter to the editor “The unchurched care more about poverty” in which the letter writer obviously knows little about the Christian church. Every day the Christian church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other organization in the world. It provides food service to more than 7 million people in the U.S. alone. There are thousands of Christian churches across the globe, who run soup kitchens, homeless shelters, food pantries and other charitable organizations who often do their work in anonymity.

Samaritans Purse, founded by Franklin Graham, is a Christian humanitarian organization reaching those suffering in war, poverty, famine and disease.

Prison Fellowship International, a Christian ministry, works around the world in prisons to help reform and rehabilitate prisoners.

Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian organization is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide.

Churches were the first orphanages, where unwanted children were left at the door, leaving the church responsible for their welfare. Today, the Christian Alliance for Orphans unites more than 150 Christian organizations and a national network of churches, committed to adoption, foster care and global orphan care. Another organization is World Orphans. It was founded in 1993, for the purpose to care for orphans … “until they all have homes.” Their funding comes from individuals and churches across the U.S.

There are several church-run food pantries in this community, where church people donate to and volunteer their time to help the less fortunate. Don’t forget the Salvation Army, American Red Cross and the Southern Baptist Convention who are national members of the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, who are always there in times of need.

The church is more than a place for people in need to go for help. It is a place to worship God and his Son with other believers. The church should be the first source for those who need the love of God in their lives. It should be a place where the word of God is taught without compromise. …

Ron and Debbie Boggs



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