Letter: Development would change character of Stratford


Sustainable Delaware Ohio vehemently opposes the revised proposed development (Shakti Dara Ridge) on land that sits directly opposite of the Stratford State Forest Preserve. The development is up for discussion at the Delaware Township zoning meeting Aug. 30 at Delaware Township Hall, 2590 Liberty Road.

The revised development plan is even more detrimental to the natural habitats Stratford supports.

It calls for 114 paired and single family housing units to be built on former cropland with a natural wetland component which feeds through into the adjacent Stratford Woods State Nature Preserve underground. This revised proposal for high-density housing would negatively impact the water quality of Stratford’s stream, wetlands, and vernal pools.

Remarkably, this revised proposal offers no provisions for the enrichment of the habitat; rather, it seems poised to obliterate the greenspace entirely. The outlined concept enshrouds the entirety of the 7-acre hydric (wetland) soil, constituting one-third of the 23-acre property.

These hydric soils represent a vital element of wetlands.

Within these soils thrives a mosaic of biodiversity, fostering vital habitat and facilitating groundwater replenishment, thereby underscoring their significance. These wetlands, intrinsic to the broader ecosystem, are pivotal sanctuaries for rare and endangered flora and fauna.

Alarming is the foreseen density, with ramifications rippling into the water quality of Stratford’s stream, wetlands, and vernal pool. The anticipated runoff from roofs and unyielding surfaces will undoubtedly cast a significant shadow upon the creek traversing the preserve. This very creek already grapples with the weight of climate-induced erosion along its banks and a diminished water quality that jeopardizes the preserve’s vibrant habitat.

The additional noise, light, and air pollution a housing development brings would be detrimental to the delicate ecosystems at work within the preserve as well as to the unique species who depend on them. Additionally, the sheer presence of so much housing — with its accompanying traffic — will change the very character of Stratford itself.

There are also mounting concerns among residents regarding the impending traffic congestion along nearby Hawthorn Boulevard, along Liberty Road and within Stratford Woods. SDO has been unable to find a traffic study for this proposal and conclude there isn’t one, nor has an environmental impact statement filed.

Before moving forward, SDO requests that a traffic study be done as well as an environmental analysis and an Environment Impact Statement should be issued prior to any decision on any development on the parcel at 2880 Liberty Road.

Stratford fosters the health, vitality, and well-being of area residents. The chance for individuals to encounter the enchantment of vernal pools forms an integral part of this dynamic.

Regrettably, this proposal threatens Stratford’s capacity to fulfill its mission and these encroachments stand to undermine the delicate harmony within the preserve, and by extension, imperil the unique species reliant upon its equilibrium.

To change the character of this beloved place — for yet another cookie-cutter housing development, which could be found anywhere at all, would be a tremendous loss for area residents and our area as a whole.

Sustainable Delaware Ohio

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