Church to install new minister


Condit Presbyterian Church at 15102 Hartford Road east of Sunbury will hold an Installation Program for its new pastor, Rev. Samuel Monte, at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 19.

Monte was born in Salem, Ohio, in Columbia County, the younger of two children, as his sister reminds him. The family moved to East Liverpool in the same county. His mother was a homemaker and then worked as an aide in the local schools. His father worked in a coal fire power plant.

Monte graduated with a degree in English from Kent State University in 2008 and earned a Master of Divinity from the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 2012. He has been serving in small rural churches since his ordination in 2012. He was highly recommended by the Presbytery when Condit’s Pastor Nominating Committee was looking for a minister.

He has adopted six children out of foster care and is engaged to Jules. He loves OSU and has a complicated relationship with the Cleveland Browns.

By way of introduction, he told the congregation his favorite song is “My Way,” by Frank Sinatra. His favorite book (outside of The Bible) is “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. His favorite movie is “Star Wars: A New Hope” (because it introduced him to the series).

He went on to say, “Even these I feel are not enough. Allow me a moment, then, to tell you my favorite scripture. Jeremiah 20:9. ‘If I say, ‘I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name,’ then within me there is something like a fire shut up in my bones; I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.’ For me, this is why I do what I do. I can’t help but speak of God’s love and goodness. It’s why I will speak at length about Bible stories or theology.”

The public is invited to witness the installation of Monte as the 45th minister to the Condit Presbyterian Church since it was founded as First Trenton Presbyterian Church in the Van Dorn Tavern at the intersection of Sunbury-Johnstown Road in 1836. Growth through the years has moved the congregation into larger buildings four times since 1897, when the congregation built a Gothic architecture style church at the corner of Hartford Road and state Route 605 east of Sunbury.

Refreshments will follow the installation.

Submitted by Polly Horn.

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