Seniors revisit their old schools


Elementary schools across the Delaware City Schools district had a few extra students Thursday, May 16, as members of the Class of 2024 returned to their elementary schools for a senior lunch.

Seniors visited all the elementary schools to reconnect with teachers and see their schools again as part of the annual end of the school year tradition in the district.

At Conger Elementary, the seniors said they were shocked by the various renovations and changes the school has undergone since they were students.

“They were all excited by grass on the playground,” said Kelli Dowell, a fourth-grade teacher at Conger. “(We only had blacktop) so they could never play football or soccer.”

Dowell said she enjoyed seeing her former students and was amazing that some of them still remembered their locker combinations.

“It’s neat having them come back and seeing their faces after not seeing them in forever,” Dowell said. “It’s neat seeing the little kids look to them. Hopefully we’ll still have that connection with them (in the future.)”

Austin Koslow, a senior, said he enjoyed visiting the school before graduation Friday evening, May 17.

“It was nice,” Koslow said. “(I enjoyed) being able to connect with everything again.”

Koslow said he felt “bittersweet” about graduating and plans to play football at Ohio Wesleyan University in the fall.

Likewise, Logan Frye, who also plans to attend OWU and play football in the fall, said he enjoyed seeing his school and teachers again.

“I enjoyed seeing my favorite teacher, Mrs. Dowell,” he said. “I don’t remember much from when I was here, but a lot was different.”

The building’s layout was a point of interest of Ava Gillman, a senior who plans to study criminology and forensic science at Ohio State University this fall.

“I enjoyed reliving the memories and seeing everything that’s changed,” Gillman said. “It has been weird trying to figure out where they moved everything. I enjoyed getting to see all my old teachers.”

Gillman said graduation felt “bittersweet” to her.

“I was told a lot that it goes by fast and I don’t think I believed that when I was younger, but it does go by fast and you have to take in every moment,” Gillman said.

The visit was “special” according to senior Sammy West, who plans to attend Earlham College in the fall.

“It was sad to go down memory lane,” West said. “It’s different but you view it as the same. When I was here, I imagined the school as huge but now it’s so small since we grew so much.”

West said her favorite part was speaking with former teachers and “visiting one of the best elementary schools in Delaware” before her graduation. She said she’s nervous and excited about graduating.

“I’m excited because it’s the next chapter of life but sad because I’m leaving my hometown,” West said. “(I’d like to) thank Conger… Some of my best memories are from this school.”

Elaina Tompkins said she enjoyed comparing memories and the present at the school.

“(I liked) reliving all the past memories and seeing people who were the same age when they came here with you and how much we’ve grown from that point,” Tompkins said. “They added onto the building, which was different to see. I enjoyed reconnecting to people you don’t talk to as much anymore and meeting the kids on the playground.”

Tompkins said she was ready for graduation and plans to study prelaw at the University of Cincinnati in the fall.

Having students return was extra special for fifth-grade ELA teacher Kristina Davis, whose youngest son, Brady, is graduating Friday.

“I remember all these boys upstairs in the playroom and now they are young men getting ready to go off and graduate,” Kristina said. “This is a special group for me.”

Kristina said Brady asked her to give him his diploma at commencement Friday and said she was also asked by another former student.

“That’s pretty special,” Kristina said. “It’s a great group of kids. We’re excited to see the next phase for them. This group was playful and ornery, and they never grew out of that.”

Glenn Battishill can be reached at 740-413-0903.

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