Another list of questions to ponder


Last month, on May 15, I copied a list of 25 questions I had picked out of a list of 75 questions. I had found the list in my desk, not knowing where it came from. Since I had several comments about how interesting those questions were, I decided to pick out 25 more and use them for this week’s article.

Maybe you can find something interesting from these 25 questions this time. I think the general idea of these questions is to get to know someone better. (I had to change two to make them fit here.)

1. Tell how you feel about water: playing in it, seeing it, using it.

2. When is the first time you realized you could read?

3. What do you think of the state of movies and television today?

4. Tell about your father’s job, and your grandfather’s job.

5. Have you ever been on television? Tell about it.

6. Do you play a musical instrument? Tell why you like it.

7. Have you ever sung in a group, a choir or a band? Describe it.

8. Have you ever written a story, poem, or song you would like to add to your journal?

9. Did you have a bicycle as a child? What was it like?

10. Did you go camping as a child? Tell about your experiences.

11. Write about how a prayer was answered.

12. Write about some of the places you went with your mother.

13. Did you have a childhood hideout? Where? Describe it.

14. Who are some of your favorite people? Tell why.

15. Did you and your father share an interest in any special activity?

16. What is your favorite animal? Tell why.

17. Tell about family reunions you have attended.

18. Describe the downtown of your childhood at Christmas time.

19. Describe your dream garden.

20. If you could watch a video over and over, what would it be?

21. Describe a sound from your childhood. What was it?

22. How are your siblings the same?

23. How are your siblings different?

24. Tell any family stories you remember.

24. Was there a favored child?

25. Was it you? Was it a brother or a sister?

Kay E. Conklin is a retired Delaware County recorder who served four terms. She graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University with a degree in sociology and anthropology.

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