Township reveals plans for new facility, park


Plans for Brown Township’s new maintenance facility and park were shown in the spring newsletter.

“At this time, we will be concentrating on the maintenance facility and parking in the upper right of the plan,” the township said. “The bid documents have been published and we will open and review bids at our April meeting.”

The plans also show a new salt storage area, new concessions building with seating, future walking path to existing brewery and other amenities. These additions will be near the Township Hall at 5555 State Route 521 and North Old State Road.

That’s not all that’s going down in Brown.

“Our road improvement program in Brown Township this year will be one of maintaining what we have,” wrote Trustee Charles Miley in the newsletter. “On Hogback Road, we will be crack sealing the southern half (from the state park south) and the entire road will get improved pavement markings. On Cackler Road, we will be making pavement repairs and improved markings. Since Jumper Road was chip sealed in 2021, it will only get improved pavement markings. Skinner Road is our most extensive repair this year at $162,000. Because the road has developed channeling and some alligator cracking, the plan is to cap it with a 1.5 asphalt overlay after some pavement repairs are completed. Baker Road will be crack sealed and pavement markings will be improved. Since Harris Road received a cap last year, we will be applying a rejuvenating agent to increase the elasticity of the asphalt. This treatment was completed on Howard and Oxford Woods roads last year. The application is a soybean derivative that extends the life of the pavement by a few years. The total budgetary amount of this work is $288,200 including contingency.”

“One project that is looming on the horizon is along Hogback Road,” Miley continued. “Just north of the State Park Overlook, the east side of the road is eroding away. This has been progressing over the last several years. This is a big enough problem that neither the township nor county can do. We have received an estimate from a local general contractor to do the work at a cost of $60,000-plus. This includes clearing the drainage channels and installing rock chutes to control the erosion. If approved this would be done in later summer because the area to the east is basically a marsh that has to dry out.”

Miley concluded by saying, “This is a good time to thank everyone for their support of the road levy. Paying for our share of these would not be possible without those funds.”

Assistant Editor Gary Budzak photographs and reports on stories in eastern Delaware County and surrounding areas.

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