DCBDD Administration Building temporarily closed


The Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities (DCBDD), located at 7991 Columbus Pike in Lewis Center, has temporarily closed its administrative office building as a precautionary measure. The closure is necessary to evaluate and address a potential bat colony per guidance from the Delaware Public Health District.

While the presence of bats in our administrative building is an inconvenience, DCBDD recognizes the importance of protecting these creatures, many of which are threatened or endangered. We are working diligently with wildlife experts to safely and humanely remove any bats from the building, while also ensuring the safety of our employees and visitors.

In the meantime, our employees may be reached by phone or email. The Delaware County Commissioners office has been instrumental in locating alternative workspaces for our administrative teams as we navigate this situation.

DCBDD’s top priority is supporting people with developmental disabilities to live personally fulfilling lives. We remain committed to our mission of providing high-quality supports that empower individuals and their families to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. We are dedicated to ensuring that people receive the care and support they need, and we will continue to work tirelessly to serve our community during this temporary building closure. The majority of our work is completed within our community, and our building closure will not impact the people we support.

Submitted by the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

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