On July 3, the Scioto Township Board of Trustees recognized the Shadow Riders 4-H Club with a proclamation for its community service. The club placed flags on the graves of veterans for Memorial Day. The club has participated in several litter cleanups, including the streets of Ostrander after the 4th of July parade, Scioto Township Park, and the field behind the firehouse where debris from the recycling bins is scattered. Jenifer Way Young from the Delaware County Health District’s “Keep Delaware County Beautiful” program supplied the club with yellow vests, grabbers, gloves and trash bags. Pictured (left to right) are back row: advisors Mandy Vincent, Gina Long, Fiscal Officer Kathy Melvin, Trustee Ralph Moseley, Trustee Doug Loudenslager and Matt Young; Front row: Trustee Sandra Stults; and club officers Rachel Vincent, Stella Young, Wyatt Long, Samuel Young and Blake Centers.

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