Letter: Leaders should focus on residents, not builders


The building in Delaware County/city just keeps getting worse; something needs to be done. Our roads are overcrowded, the traffic is awful, and the powers that be don’t seem to take that into consideration until it’s too late. All they seem to think of is increased building, approving new developments at the drop of a hat.

The city is trying to turn the east side into some up-and-coming new area like Dublin, Columbus, and other cities have. The first thing they should worry about is the welfare of the citizens that already live here and are the ones that elected them into office so that they could do a job for us, not the builders.

Our seniors and others that live on a fixed income already have a hard enough time trying to make ends meet, but all the city and county want to do is raise taxes one way or another. The city is again trying to pass their income tax increase. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to tax a person’s retirement. People are already struggling; living paycheck to paycheck because of the increase in groceries, utilities, etc.

The county real estate taxes keep increasing. You may think that because seniors get a “discount” that they shouldn’t be complaining but that discount is laughable. Personally, I and many others feel that we should be given at least a 50% decrease since our kids are already out of school. If the building would slow down, then there wouldn’t be a need for all of these new schools. The schools get the biggest portion of our real estate taxes, and they all want to keep on building. The majority of the land that is being built on is farmland. Where do you think our food comes from? The farmers are being taxed so much that they are being forced to sell because they just can’t afford to stay in business.

The powers that be need to learn too that the money they receive is coming from the citizens, and that it’s not just an unlimited source of money that they can use for unnecessary projects. Just like us, they need to learn to balance their checkbooks; then they wouldn’t have to tax the citizens.

I have personally attended some of their meetings and not one word was spoken about helping the citizens, that is what they were elected to do; not to help the builders become richer.

Paul Ray


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