Making a difference in people’s lives


“For where your treasure is, there your heart is also!”

— Matthew 6:21 NRSV

“Wow!” A young preschool girl exclaimed to my colleague at Vacation Bible School closing the last week of June when the students achieved their giving goal. But to understand her excitement, all of us must go back to the beginning of that week.

To start the week, our Vacation Bible School leaders had challenged all the students at our Camp Firelight VBS to bring in offerings. The students were encouraged to bring gifts to support camping ministries. All these different items were going to be dropped off at the camp the following weekend. This challenge was very purposeful because it would go to support another camp that taught children about God’s love. With that in mind, a whole list of items was shared with campers and a goal was set.

On that Tuesday as the supplies and gifts started coming in, the VBS students were excited to bring in different supplies and start raising money to reach our goal. Our youngest son being one of the VBS students was really excited, too. He was so excited that he set an amount for our family to bring. He knew how meaningful camping ministries were in his life, and he wanted to support it. He kept telling us over and over again to show our support.

As Thursday neared and the final day of VBS arrived, the VBS leaders were extremely confident that we would reach our goal. After adding up the total amount, they were prepared to share with the kids how much was raised in total as of Thursday.

Finally at the last hour, the leaders revealed that all of us had well surpassed the goal to support these camping ministries. Hearing the amount, a young preschooler came up to my colleague and exclaimed, “Wow! You mean when I give $20 to support a goal that the community of faith can turn it into $800.”

“Wow!” is right. Her words remind me of the words of Jesus himself, “For where your treasure is, there your heart is also! (Matthew 6:21) Utilizing our treasures for the common good multiplies them exponentially in magnificent ways. Devoting our time to caring for and serving others who may have much different needs and opportunities than ourselves does make an exponential difference in other’s lives. Focusing our attention on giving and the impact of giving alongside others can never be underestimated in life and can make a small gift much greater.

“Wow!” is therefore right. Your giving of your whole self to a community of faith or to the community that you live in grows leaps and bounds and makes a difference alongside everyone else’s giving of themselves. Thank you for however you give of yourself and never be afraid to give of yourself for the sake of others.

“Wow!” is right. Your giving is always appreciated by someone and does make a difference.

Craig Richter is co-pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Delaware.

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