Joint governance of airport a possibility


In continued efforts to better maximize the value of Delaware Municipal Airport in a region ripe for development, both the City of Delaware and Delaware County have considered developing an airport authority to co-govern the asset.

Earlier this month, Aviation Management Consulting Group (AMCG) delivered the results of an assessment commissioned by the two parties to better understand the merits of a potential authority.

Headquartered in Denver, AMCG has offered aviation management consulting services, support, and resources nationwide for 25 years. AMCG evaluated the planning, development, operations, finances, and management of the airport to develop short-term and long-term recommendations it believes need to be resolved or improved “prior to, during, or following a potential change in the governance structure,” a letter to Delaware County City Manager Tom Homan and Delaware County Administrator Tracie Davies stated.

“These recommendations are consistent with a best practices approach considering the circumstances that exist at the airport and the conditions that exist in the market as of the effective date of this report,” the introductory letter went on to state. “In addition to the short-term and long-term recommendations, AMCG identified immediate recommendations that should be addressed immediately while the City and County contemplate a change in the governance structure.”

Ahead of the assessment, AMCG representatives were in Delaware in December to meet with City and County representatives as well as airport management and Specialized Aviation Service Operators staff.

Among the immediate recommendations made by AMCG for the airport is for a governance format to be determined. AMCG’s analysis suggested establishing an authority between the City and County would be advantageous for the airport.

“It is the opinion of AMCG that the County can provide additional support beyond financial that the City is not equipped to off the airport,” the report states. “If the airport were jointly managed by an airport authority, the airport could utilize additional services through an inter-fund agreement from both the City and County as needed to further support the airport and generate economic activity at and around the airport.”

Another recommendation states the City should re-engage with parties interested in the development of the airport.

“The City should pursue open dialogue with parties interested in aeronautical development at the airport while contemplating a change in governance structure,” the report states. “Often, airport sponsors are unable to develop facilities due to limited funding or limitations of other competing resources. It is important for airports to find the balance between operating a public facility and private investment that can provide a long-term benefit to the airport.”

The report added, “Engaging these parties will provide the airport with increased demand and could potentially increase long-term revenue.”

Additional recommendations include tenant and community engagement to develop the airport as a community asset, as well as the airport working with the FAA to enhance the instrument approach capabilities on-site.

The full report can be read online by visiting

Reach Dillon Davis at 740-413-0904. Follow him on X @DillonDavis56.

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