Band Camp concludes at Hayes


The Grand Pacer Marching Band concluded Band Camp this week and took the field Friday to perform a preview of their upcoming show “A Girl in Red.”

Students in the band have been at the high school from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. this week learning the music and drill for their upcoming season. Director Bill Fowles said the week of practice has been “going really well.”

“It’s been really, really good,” Fowles said. “They acclimated really well and we’re making really good progress in our show and as an ensemble. We’re talking about things now that we’d (usually) talk about in a month. It feels really, really good to be where we’re at.”

Last week, during the band’s pre-camp week of practice, Fowles praised the 40 freshmen members of the band for the speed that they’ve been able to learn, and he echoed that praise Friday.

“Not that our other freshman classes have been bad by any means… it’s the rate that (this class is) able to internalize what we’re asking them to do and then be able to execute it very quickly,” Fowles said. “It’s the second or third time they are doing it, and they are right there with everybody else producing at a very high level.”

Fowles said he was proud of the sophomores in the band for continuing to improve.

“One of the coolest things we get to see as staff is those freshmen that then go on to become sophomores, the growth they make is the largest in a single year,” Fowles said. “The sophomore class has gone a really long way in their growth, and we have a strong leadership team with our juniors and seniors. We’ve been asking ‘are we where we should be?’ and we are farther than we were at this time last year.”

Fowles said the band had completely learned the music and drill for the first third of the show and said he aims to be halfway through learning the show at the end of post-camp next week.

“I’m very pleased with where we’re at,” Fowles said. “Most importantly (I’m pleased with) the way they are retaining and executing.”

Caden Wiant, a senior and leader of the trumpet section said this year’s show is harder than last year but said the band is rising to the challenge.

“I think the drill and music is definitely harder than it was last year, but I think the freshmen are taking that on really, really well,” Wiant said. “All in all, it’s been really good. The freshmen are definitely getting the hang of it.”

Wiant said the trumpet section grew from last year and said it now has four section leaders, which has been a positive.

“The section did grow but having other people to rely on definitely helps a lot,” Wiant said. “Our leadership is better, which helps new members be able to push (ourselves.)”

Field Commander Julia Foley used to play saxophone in the band before moving to the top of the podium this year to conduct the band and said the transition has been “really interesting”.

“It’s a lot but I’m really enjoying it,” Foley said. “It’s been great. (Band Camp) has been really cool. I feel like the freshman are picking up a lot quicker than freshmen have in the years before… Especially from a new perspective, I can see how that effects every member of the band. It’s been really great (to see) how fast we’re moving.”

Nicholas Hejmanowski, a senior and leader of the low brass section, similarly praised the freshmen in the band.

“It’s been interesting to see how quickly the freshmen pick up the style and how quickly they’ve learned all the ins and outs of how the band operates,” Hejmanowski said.

Hejmanowski, a veteran member of the band, said becoming a section leader this year was a new experience.

“It’s weird coming from being around in a section for three years and then being a section leader and having to look very carefully at what the freshmen are doing to make sure I’m not missing something,” Hejmanowski said. “Instead of just being in charge of me, I’m in charge of like 14 other people. There’s a team of three (section leaders). I could not do this by myself. It takes all three of (us.)”

Evelyn Williams, a freshmen percussionist, said band camp has been “really good.”

“I’ve had some challenges, but I’ve been able to overcome them, and it’s actually been a really fun time and great experience,” Williams said. “It’s a great group of kids. Everyone in our grade I think works really hard and wants to be here. I’m excited (to) play the music. It’s really fun music and I’m excited to represent Hayes.”

Fellow freshmen and a member of the color guard, Kayden Jones, said Friday that Band Camp had overall been “really fun.”

“I love seeing all the work come together,” Jones said. “It does get a little bit overwhelming at times but everyone here is really supportive so that makes it nice. I’m excited because sometimes I feel like we aren’t doing the best, but all the upperclassmen are saying we’re picking it up faster than other years have.”

Jones said she was looking forward to performing and competing this fall.

“It’s a lot of pressure,” Jones said. “If you’re out of line in drill it’s noticeable but I’m excited to have it all out on the field and be able to do it all at once.”

The band’s first competition will be Sept. 14 at Hilliard Bradley High School.

Glenn Battishill can be reached at 740-413-0903.

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