Work continues on Point, roundabout projects


This week, the City of Delaware issued updates on two major road projects: the Point Improvement Project and the roundabout at Section Line Road and Sawmill Parkway.

On Wednesday, the city announced the next phase of the Point project will be starting in September.

“During the week of 9/8/24, US36/SR37 traffic will be switched to the south side of the road so that work can take place on the north side. One lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained between the railroad bridge and SR 521. This change in traffic pattern will continue through Spring 2025,” the city stated in a release.

As for the intersection at Bowtown Road and US 36/SR 37, the city noted it will be closed during the next phase, so access to Bowtown Road will be maintained from state Route 521.

There will be temporary road closures for a few evenings to allow for necessary work to be completed.

“Steel girders for the temporary railroad bridge will be installed the nights of Tuesday 9/10/24 through Thursday 9/12/24. Between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. each night, 36/37 traffic will be stopped completely for 15-minute intervals while the steel girders are put in place over the roadway. After each 15-minute traffic stoppage, 36/37 traffic will be opened back up and all traffic will be cleared prior to the next 15-minute stoppage,” the release stated.

In spring 2023, work began on the Point Improvement Project which is expected to be completed at some point in summer 2026.

For more information on the project, visit Individuals with questions can email [email protected].

As for the new roundabout being constructed at the intersection of Section Line Road and Sawmill Parkway, the city announced Thursday a portion of the roundabout will soon be open.

“Work continues on the Sawmill Parkway roundabout at Section Line Road, but the intersection will be open for limited access on Sept. 6. Southbound Section Line traffic will have access to Sawmill Parkway and westbound Sawmill traffic will be able to travel north on Section Line. This includes for quarry traffic. Once the south leg of the roundabout is complete, the entire intersection will be open on 9/23/24,” the city stated in a release.

Information for this story was provided by the City of Delaware.

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