Letter: Passing Issue 1 would be win for everyone


Local Republicans are distributing yard signs that read, “Vote NO on Issue 1 to stop gerrymandering.”

Voting no will keep our gerrymandered districts and perhaps make them worse, if that’s possible.

The ballot description of the issue, written by Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, a Republican whose party loyalties appear to be affecting his job performance, is confusing. Objections to the wording were ignored, and now Ohio Republicans are encouraging those who want to end gerrymandering to vote no. They’re misleading their own members.

Republican-dominated politicians have redrawn Ohio’s districts seven times. Seven times their maps were rejected by Ohio’s Supreme Court. The court also has a Republican majority, but the justices are doing their jobs.

Citizens Not Politicians will create a nonpartisan redistricting commission to draw fair Ohio maps that will remove our current insurmountable Republican advantage. Fair maps also guarantee that neither party can get a stranglehold on Ohio’s districts going forward — that’s a win for everyone.

Vote YES on Issue 1.

Margo Bartlett


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