College honors Galena resident

Galena resident Dr. Nadya T. Zhexembayeva was awarded the Distinguished Alumna Award from Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York, during a ceremony held Sept. 24.

Zhexembayeva earned the award as a graduate who has distinguished themselves through outstanding achievements in their professional career and/or civic or charitable activities.

Called “The Reinvention Guru” by Ventures magazine and “The Queen of Reinvention” by TEDx Navasink, Zhexembayeva is a business owner, educator, speaker and author. She has helped numerous organizations and people revamp their products, processes, and leadership practices.

Zhexembayeva has shared her insights with audiences worldwide. In an effort to transform corporate approaches to sustainability strategy, she helped create the concept of “embedded sustainability,” which today produces more than 25 million Google search results, and has become a staple for corporate sustainability efforts.

She graduated from Hartwick in 2001 with a dual bachelor’s degree in management and psychology, and she served as the college’s commencement speaker in 2018.

Zhexembayeva received a Ph.D. in organizational behavior from Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.


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Submitted by Hartwick College.